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Parenting, it's hard, like SO HARD! Why would someone seek counseling for parenting issues? Have you ever been so frustrated by your child's behavior you didn't know what to do? Have you lost your temper and reacted to your child in ways you don't feel proud of? Are you a divorced or blended family and need help with establishing healthy co-parenting strategies? Are you a parent of a teen and don't know how to set appropriate limits for behavior and expectations? Are you a new empty-nester and need help setting boundaries in the relationships with your adult child or children? Then you might benefit from counseling to address these types of issues and more.


Co-Parenting sessions for divorced/separated parents are now available (private pay only and both parents must purchase a workbook).


Nothing tugs on the heartstrings more than our relationships with our children, and nothing is more important to parents than the well-being of our children. If you would like help navigating the rough waters of parenting please contact The Oaks to begin working toward healthy relationships with your family. We can help your family learn more effective ways of communicating, better ways to discipline, and strategies to build long-lasting healthy relationships with your children.


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