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Counseling for Anxiety 

Anxiety is one of the most common problems that bring people to counseling. Anxiety can be described as the response of an individual to a threat, real or imagined. Acute anxiety is created by a single stressful event like driving in bad weather or an upcoming test. Chronic anxiety, or anxiety disorders, are present for a long period of time without any threat in sight. We all have anxious thoughts from time to time, but if you, or your child, are struggling with anxious thoughts and feelings that frequently interrupt your life, you may need help in treating your anxiety.


At The Oaks, we provide treatment for anxiety disorders from ages 3 and up! Play therapy can effectively help young children struggling with anxiety, while talk therapy and components of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will be a more appropriate approach to older kids, teens, and adults. Please contact us today to begin treatment for anxiety.

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